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Our team of experienced fitness coaches are passionate about helping you reach your goals, whether it's losing weight, building muscle, increasing athletic performance, or simply improving your overall fitness level. We understand that everyone has unique needs, preferences, and starting points, which is why our approach is tailored to your individual circumstances.


Through personalized coaching sessions, we will assess your current fitness level, discuss your goals, and develop a customized plan that suits your needs. We will guide you through effective workout routines, teach you proper exercise techniques, and provide nutritional advice to fuel your body optimally.

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Proven over years, our fitness training program is designed to help target your goals no matter what they may be. This is our most popular training plan. An entirely personalized experience with our fitness coaches.

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Program Features Essential Premium
Fitness Training
Initial assessment, goal setting & journey mapping * *
Online platform access * *
Personalized training plans * *
Knowledge sharing * *
Anytime support *
Review phone calls Weekly Weekly
Fitness battery testing Half Yearly
Review phone calls (per month) Monthly
Personalized meal plans Quarterly


All of our coaching plans and programs are delivered online. The Strength Training plans are delivered through the Trainerize app, a powerful platform that lets us coaches dive deeper into the specifics of your workouts that further helps us design an optimized training plan for you. 

The primary goal of strength and conditioning is to enhance various aspects of an athlete's athleticism, including but not limited to strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, and flexibility. In practical terms, strength and conditioning involves the development and implementation of structured and progressive training programs. These programs are designed to improve an athlete's physical attributes, address weaknesses, prevent injuries, and enhance overall performance in their chosen sport or physical activity. In essence, a strength and conditioning coach prescribes exercises to improve the movement qualities and performance qualities of athletes. 

Strength training for runners is crucial! When you run, you put your body through repeated stresses in one set range of motion. Without strengthening, you overload your muscles, ligaments and tendons, increasing chances of injuries. Runners who do not strength train are prone to recurrent injuries and risk long term damage. Idea of strength / resistance training is to train the muscle groups in different movement patterns and planes that improves muscle fatigue during runs and gives you a better control on your form and movement.

As people age, muscle mass tends to decrease. Strength training is crucial for preserving muscle mass and functional independence in older adults, reducing the risk of falls and maintaining a higher quality of life. Programs should be designed with considerations for any existing health conditions. Engaging in strength training can positively impact mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. The sense of accomplishment and improved self-esteem associated with progressing in strength training can contribute to overall well-being.

The time it takes to see results from strength training can vary widely among individuals and is influenced by several factors. Frequency and Consistency | Intensity & Progression | Nutrition & Recovery | Strength training is a gradual process, and visible results often take time. It's important to set realistic expectations, focus on overall health and well-being, and understand that progress may not always be linear. As a general guideline, some individuals may start to notice strength improvements within a few weeks, while others may take a couple of months or more. Visible changes in muscle definition and body composition often become more apparent over several months, especially with a well-structured and progressive training program.

Strength training can be safe and beneficial during pregnancy and for individuals with certain health conditions, but it's crucial to approach it with caution and seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Before starting or continuing a strength training program during pregnancy, consult with your obstetrician or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance based on your health, pregnancy history, and any potential risks. Focus on moderate-intensity exercises and avoid heavy lifting, particularly if you were not strength training regularly before pregnancy. Pay attention to your heart rate and avoid overheating. Pelvic Floor Exercises: Incorporate pelvic floor exercises to promote pelvic floor strength, which can be beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum. Stay hydrated, especially since hydration needs may increase during pregnancy. 

For individuals with certain health conditions, strength training can be adapted to provide benefits while considering specific limitations. Always consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified fitness professional before starting a strength training program if you have health concerns. Conditions to consider include: Heart Conditions | Arthritis | Pulmonary conditions

It is possible to engage in strength training at home without a gym membership. Many effective strength training exercises can be performed using minimal equipment or even just your body weight. As you progress, you can invest in a small set up at home, or take access to a gym membership if that is an easier option. A home gym can include small equipment such as - Strength training can be performed using various equipment, including free weights, resistance bands, machines, or bodyweight exercises. The choice of equipment depends on individual preferences and accessibility.

Building significant muscle mass, often associated with a "bulky" appearance, requires specific training protocols, high-volume resistance training, and a calorie surplus. Most people, including women, will not accidentally become bulky through standard strength training. Instead, it helps improve muscle tone, strength, and overall physique.

Building and maintaining muscle mass can boost metabolism, helping the body burn more calories at rest. This can contribute to weight management and support fat loss goal. Strength training enhances the body's ability to use fat as a fuel source during both rest and exercise. This can contribute to increased fat oxidation, especially when combined with a balanced diet. Some studies suggest that strength training may help regulate appetite hormones, potentially reducing post-exercise hunger. This can be beneficial for individuals trying to manage their caloric intake during weight loss. It's important to note that combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet is the most effective approach for weight loss. Also, individual responses to exercise can vary, and factors such as genetics, overall health, and lifestyle play significant roles.

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