For nearly a decade, running has been a way of unwinding. Call it a guilt-ridden compensation for an unhealthy lifestyle, a form of meditation or precious me-time, running has been unquestionably sacrosanct. However, in the last couple of years, I had hit a lull with a huge dip in enthusiasm and performance. After careful consideration, I signed up with All In Running to rebuild my running base. Being mentored by my coach was an unusual experience initially – never had I journal led every run or discussed them at great length. Slowly, I realized its significance in assessing and building one’s progress. The All In Running program brings out the importance of “non-essentials” most runners tend to ignore such as regular physiotherapy, hydration, running gear and rest days. Additionally, there is a lot of experience and knowledge sharing on the online group that helps one continuously evolve as a runner. Not only did the five-month programme retrain me physically and mentally, but grew in me an appreciation of the sense of community running brings.
Training Type
Coaching Color and Subhead Type
Individual Running